Watsons operates over 230 stores in Hong Kong and Macau, of which over 50 have in-store pharmacies, making Watsons the No. 1 Pharmacy Network in Hong Kong. Watsons has a professional team of pharmacists, dieticians, Chinese medicine practitioners, health & fitness advisors, beauty consultants, a mother & baby advisor and a nurse. They are devoted to serving customers.
Shoppes at Londoner
쇼핑몰 영업 시간
일요일 – 목요일 오전 10:00 – 오후 11:00
금요일 – 토요일 오전 10:00 – 자정 12:00
*개별 매장 영업 시간은 다를 수 있습니다.
Shop 2230, 2231 & 2232
전화 번호
+853 2882 0677